The Basics of Sleep

By |2022-03-01T10:54:19+11:00March 1st, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

The effects of sleep deprivation are well known. We have all heard the saying ‘you woke up on the wrong side of the bed’. Sleep deprivation has been named the second biggest killer on the roads after alcohol due to the profound effects it can have on our functioning. But, just how much does sleep affect our mental health and is this worse for someone experiencing a mental illness?

Health: Eat Well, Sleep Well & Exercise

By |2022-03-24T16:37:49+11:00February 1st, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

The year is well and truly underway. For most people, any resolutions or big ambitions have already been put aside. When asking people about their goals, I often get a grumble or the very general response of ‘I want to improve my health’. Presented with the following question of ‘what does that mean to you?’, I get some vague comments about exercising more and eating well. With this in mind I wanted the first blog post of 2022 to surround the topic of 'Health' and its role in your mental wellbeing.

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