
By |2023-03-07T09:21:00+11:00March 7th, 2023|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

Bipolar gets thrown around when somebody’s mood appears to shift up and down quite quickly; the suggestion being that the persons noticeable shifts in mood are so problematic that they must be unwell. The reality with bipolar is quite different.

Behavioural Addiction

By |2023-01-30T16:43:38+11:00January 30th, 2023|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

Research currently suggests behavioural addiction involves engaging in a behaviour that a person gains relief from and craves in the short term, but experiences negative consequences and does not give up despite negative consequences in the long term. Read the full article for more information on behavioural addiction including recognising emerging behaviours and tips for managing these.

Meditation Myths

By |2022-09-05T13:37:37+10:00September 5th, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

Everyone has heard of meditation. Some people practice it regularly, some like the idea of it but don’t get any further, others have tried it, and some just don’t think it’s for them. In this article, we debunk some of the myths about meditation ahead of next months article which will explore the benefits of meditation followed by learning the basics of meditation.

What is Psychosis?

By |2022-07-04T13:56:06+10:00June 30th, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

“Mad!”, “Crazy!”, “Bonkers!”, “Off with the Fairies!” These and worse words have been used to describe people experiencing psychosis. But what is psychosis? Psychosis refers to a state of mind when a person has become disconnected from reality in their thinking and perceptions. This means that their thinking has been affected and may be jumbled or confusing. When someone’s thinking is affected it might present as someone not making much sense, talking in circles or conversations going off on tangents.

The Basics of Anxiety

By |2022-05-13T15:14:00+10:00May 13th, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

Statistics suggest that 1 in 4 adults in Australia will experience an anxiety disorder across the life span. That is over two million people every 12 month who will have a diagnosable anxiety condition. Anxiety can be experienced without it being a disorder. Disorders of anxiety develop when anxiety symptoms reach a level that they begin to interfere with someone’s functioning such as study, work, social interactions or basic daily living. Read our full article for more on anxiety and tips for managing these symptoms.


By |2022-05-05T09:51:41+10:00May 3rd, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

Most of us have heard about the concept of gratitude. It either sparks interest or feels a little too contrived. The idea of appreciating things and expressing our gratitude for those things can feel uncomfortable. Understanding the benefits and how gratitude works can help with shifting this resistance.

Self-Esteem, Self-Worth & Confidence

By |2022-03-31T10:30:57+11:00April 4th, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

We often hear the terms self-esteem, confidence, or self-worth. For most people, these terms are viewed as positive qualities that are possessed by individuals who have their lives put together and are living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. They generally aren't qualities that we are taught to develop in school. For a lot of people, the mentality of ‘harden up’, or ‘get over it’ were more likely to be the way of thinking that we were taught.

The Basics of Sleep

By |2022-03-01T10:54:19+11:00March 1st, 2022|Mental Health, Resources (Recommendations + Tips), Wellbeing|

The effects of sleep deprivation are well known. We have all heard the saying ‘you woke up on the wrong side of the bed’. Sleep deprivation has been named the second biggest killer on the roads after alcohol due to the profound effects it can have on our functioning. But, just how much does sleep affect our mental health and is this worse for someone experiencing a mental illness?

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