After a year that has been very challenging for most people, this year’s world happiness day is an opportunity to reset our thinking, set new goals, and start to find happiness in our everyday lives.
Established by the United Nations, the International Day of Happiness, was developed to recognize the importance of happiness and wellbeing. It has been identified that economic progress can be improved by increasing the populations happiness. A greater importance has been placed on growing human happiness as a fundamental goal.
Using data from 2017-2019, Australia was ranked 12th among 156 countries for happiness. The data collected for the world happiness report looked at a number of social factors which effect someone’s sense of happiness.
Happiness 2021
This year’s slogan for the International Day of Happiness is; keep calm, stay wise and be kind.
These simple principles can help with improving our sense of wellbeing and happiness
(see our exercise below to learn how to implement these principles).
The team at Action for Happiness have put together a number of resources and tools for this year’s day of happiness. These tools use a positive psychology model to aide in achieving happiness. The coping calendar gives daily exercises that help in creating emotional balance by creating a positive focus.
Their 10 Days of Happiness program sends you daily emails with ideas for building wellbeing.